The Year 2016, FHS Veselaya Slobodka, Ukraine

It was a good year. Our good traditions continued. We have grown again! A few more families found their land here in our little Sloboda, and decided to create their homestead. A few more children were born into the families of our settlers. For the first time, a special miracle occurred – our neighbors had charming twins. Now a whole company of mothers (and sometimes fathers) go for walks with their children. This year, we started the construction of a children’s playground near the Common House. Dads made a swing and a shop, mothers and children decorated them. The Common […]

Talking frankly about family education

by Galina Samokhina I am often asked whether our daughter studies well in family education, how she achieves academic progress in this or that subject. These questions pushed me to write this article. Parental concerns about school grades are understandable. I want our child to be, if not an excellent student, then at least good. But here’s something to think about: there are no statistics that children who graduated from high school with honors feel more successful in life or happier than low-achievers or mediocre students. Moreover, many people have surely heard the phrase when you enter your first job […]

May Day working bee in the village of Blagodarnoe, Yaroslavl Region

We had an outstanding working Saturday in our settlement on May 1! This warm, pleasant and sunny summer’s day began with the May Day march of all families along the Concord Street to the Main Tent. We walked and praised the families living on their cozy homesteads, sang songs and laughed a lot. A power charge for the whole summer! And then we had our working bee, where the children also excelled! The children had previously discussed at the meeting where and what plantings they were going to make, markers were put in place, and stock was distributed. The children’s […]

Report on FHS “Ladaga” in AS Baikal TV news media

by Nikolai Bessonov Childbirth at home, organic products, and energy from the sun. This is how people live in an unusual settlement near Angarsk. They take offense when they are called sectarians. After all, the inhabitants of “Family Homesteads” chose this life voluntarily and do not impose their philosophy on anyone. In this report, we tell why the settlers here consider themselves to be people of the future. Alyosha is the smallest inhabitant of the “Ladoga” settlement of family homesteads. He is barely one month old. Nevertheless, the boy is a citizen of the village. He was born here, in […]

Family Party petitions — ongoing

Collection of signatures for public initiatives FAMILY PARTY political party May 4 2017 1. To approve of the Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation “On the free allotment of one hectare of land as desired by each Russian family for the arrangement of a Family Homestead on it. The land is allocated for lifelong use with the right to transfer by inheritance. The products produced in the homestead are not subject to any taxes. ” 2. On the establishment of a universal holiday, “DACHNIK DAY AND THE WHOLE EARTH HOLIDAY” – July 23. Download forms of subscription lists Download […]