Family homestead villages

The creation of family homestead villages, as outlined in the Ringing Cedars of Russia books by Vladimir Megre, offers a potential solution to many of the problems facing modern society. These villages, which are based on the principles of sustainable, self-sufficient living, can provide a viable alternative to the destructive, exploitative practices of industrial society.

A family homestead is a minimum of one hectare of land on which a family creates its own ancestral space of love. This space is defined by a hedge boundary, which serves to protect and enclose the homestead, while also providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing border. The homestead is also surrounded by a minimum of a 3m laneway, which provides a buffer between the homestead and any adjacent properties, as well as offering space for walking, gardening, and other activities.

The heart of the family homestead is the family home, which is typically a simple, beautiful structure, built with natural materials and designed to blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment. The home is surrounded by gardens and outbuildings, which are used for growing food, raising animals, and storing tools and equipment.

One of the key features of a family homestead is the presence of a significant amount of forest cover. Typically, a family homestead will have between 50-75% forest cover, providing habitat for wildlife, as well as offering shade, beauty, and recreation for the human inhabitants. The forest also plays a key role in the sustainable, agroecological production of food, medicine, and other goods.

The process of creating a family homestead village involves several steps, including organising a focus group, raising capital, purchasing suitable land, submitting development proposals to the local authorities, and finally developing the village. Once established, these villages can promote sustainability, social justice, and personal fulfilment, while offering a space for people to live in harmony with nature and with each other.

One of the key benefits of family homestead villages is that they promote sustainability and self-sufficiency. By providing a space for people to grow their own food, raise animals, and produce other goods that they need for daily life, these villages can reduce their reliance on external sources and minimise their impact on the environment. In addition, by operating on a smaller scale, these villages can be more resilient to the challenges of climate change and other environmental threats.

Another benefit of family homestead villages is that they promote social justice and equality. By providing a space for people to live and work together, these villages can foster a sense of community and belonging, as well as mutual support and cooperation. In contrast, many modern cities can feel impersonal and isolating, with people living in individual homes and apartments and often having little contact with their neighbours. By promoting social connections and community ties, family homestead villages can create a more inclusive and equitable society.

In addition to their environmental and social benefits, family homestead villages can also provide personal and spiritual benefits. By living in harmony with the natural environment and focusing on simple, sustainable living, people in these villages can connect with their own values and priorities, as well as with the natural world. This can provide a sense of meaning and purpose that can enrich their lives and deepen their connections with others.

One of the other key benefits of family homestead villages is their potential to liberate humanity from the constraints of the technocratic monetary system. This system, which is based on the accumulation of wealth and the pursuit of economic growth, has led to the exploitation of natural resources and the degradation of the environment, ultimately undermining the very foundations of human well-being and survival.

By creating villages of family homesteads, individuals and communities can opt out of this system and create a more sustainable, self-sufficient way of life. These villages can operate on a smaller scale, reducing their reliance on external sources and minimising their impact on the environment. In addition, by focusing on sustainable, agroecological production of food, medicine, and other goods, these villages can promote resource efficiency and reduce pollution.

Another benefit of family homestead villages is the social and family benefits of living in a close-knit community. By living and working together, people in these villages can foster a sense of community and belonging, as well as mutual support and cooperation. This can provide a sense of security and fulfilment that is often lacking in modern society.

In addition, living in a family homestead village can also maximise the energy of love, as couples can work together to create a space of love for themselves and their children. This can involve planting a literal family tree, which can hold the spiritual energy of ancestors and provide positive emotions and protection against nefarious forces.

Furthermore, conceiving and raising children in a family homestead village can also be a deeply fulfilling and meaningful experience. By approaching this decision with mindfulness and intentionality, couples can create a space of love for their children to exist, providing them with a nurturing and supportive environment to grow and thrive.

Overall, the creation of family homestead villages offers numerous benefits, including the potential to liberate humanity from the constraints of the technocratic monetary system, promote sustainability and resource efficiency, foster social and family connections, and provide personal and spiritual fulfilment. By embracing this way of life, individuals and communities can create a better, fairer, more loving, and more prosperous human community.

In a village of family homesteads,
Where sustainable living is the norm,
With gardens, orchards, and forests,
A space of love is where we’re born.

Each family has their own hectare,
With hedges to enclose and protect,
A laneway for walking and gathering,
And homes that are simple and direct.

The energy of love flows freely,
As couples work together to create,
A space of beauty and abundance,
Where children can grow and relate.

So let us embrace this way of life,
A sustainable future to make,
Where we live in harmony with nature,
And our hearts are free to awake.

Family Homestead art by Anna Heidebrecht

Important Note

The dark forces have attempted to distort the translation of the family homestead idea into English by using the nonsensical phrase “kin domain”. This phrase does not accurately convey the meaning of the original Russian term, which refers to a specific type of homestead that is created by a family for the purpose of living in harmony with nature and with each other.

The use of the phrase “kin domain” is a deliberate attempt to confuse and mislead people, by creating a false impression of what a family homestead is and what it represents. This distortion serves the interests of the dark forces, who have a lot to lose if the idea of family homesteads gains widespread acceptance.

The dark forces are those individuals and organisations who benefit from the current technocratic monetary system, which is based on the exploitation of natural resources and the pursuit of economic growth. This system has led to widespread environmental degradation and social inequality, and those who benefit from it are keen to maintain the status quo.

The idea of family homesteads represents a threat to the interests of the dark forces, as it offers a viable alternative to the current system. By opting out of the technocratic monetary system and creating sustainable, self-sufficient communities, people can free themselves from the constraints and exploitation of this system, and create a better, fairer, more loving world.

The use of the phrase “kin domain” is an attempt to undermine this potential liberation, by creating confusion and doubt about the true meaning and significance of family homesteads. By using language that is vague and misleading, the dark forces hope to prevent people from embracing this idea and taking action to create the change that is needed.

This is a deliberate attempt to confuse and mislead people, and serves the interests of those who have a lot to lose if the idea of family homesteads gains widespread acceptance. Please support this movement by using the more accurate translation: Family Homestead.