Family Party petitions — ongoing

Collection of signatures for public initiatives
FAMILY PARTY political party

May 4 2017

1. To approve of the Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation “On the free allotment of one hectare of land as desired by each Russian family for the arrangement of a Family Homestead on it. The land is allocated for lifelong use with the right to transfer by inheritance. The products produced in the homestead are not subject to any taxes. ”
2. On the establishment of a universal holiday, “DACHNIK DAY AND THE WHOLE EARTH HOLIDAY” – July 23.

Download forms of subscription lists
Download instruction for filling
For our initiatives to be considered in the State Duma, we must collect 100,000 signatures.

Anyone can print out petition lists and collect signatures among their relatives, colleagues, friends and acquaintances. IMPORTANT: We only collect signatures from citizens of Russia and adults!

If you personally collect signatures, write about yourself here Let the country see how many of us there are!

Do you have friends, relatives, acquaintances who are registered Russian citizens but residing in CIS countries or other countries of the world? Ask them to join the collection of signatures.

If you personally collect signatures in CIS countries and other countries, write about yourself here

Filled, certified signature sheets must be sent to: 356186, Stavropol Territory, Trunovsky District, Klyuchevskoye Village, ul. Lermontov, 18 Egorov Nikolai Vladimirovich.

If you sent subscription lists to Egorov Nikolay, write about it here
Egorov Nikolay, having received your letters, will report it here

The list of those responsible for collecting signatures in the regions has been updated:

To support and add your signature to the initiative, you can do so the Ringing Cedars of Russia departments of your region, at the addresses here:

Owners of shops on sale of non-polluting products, to businessmen, to organizers of holidays, festivals – Organize the collection of signatures in store! Include the collection of signatures in the program of your holiday or festival!