We all love to dream. Often we live in these bright fantasies, rejoicing at our future achievements. But few people really believe in their dreams, or that they will come true. Of course we believe in small dreams, those that are more real and close, and, of course, come into reality. But we often do not truly believe that our real, cherished dreams could ever be realized. Often we even consider them unreal, or we simply do not allow ourselves to believe in them. We are afraid of them and persuade ourselves that they are not real dreams, and that’s the whole trouble.
As long as this attitude persists, our deepest dreams will remain dreams. But we need to dream the great, big and most cherished things! The main thing is to believe that they are real. Otherwise it will be very difficult for them to come true.
I used to dream on the great and bright things, about a good husband, about my own homestead, about how we will happily live together and create in it. But all this seemed to me so remote and unreal.
But then, once we had in fact moved onto our homestead, it seemed unrealistic to have a pond — after all, it is difficult and expensive to dig, and it was unclear if we would ever have the chance. Of course, I dreamed about ot, but it felt somewhere far off, not here and now. It was in some other world, the future.
It was the same with the house. Build a big house, arrange the inside to our taste, attach a greenhouse … Oh, it’s so expensive! When will we be able to do that? Probably in some other world. No, I believe that it will be. Not now, but SOME TIME!
And so it is for many. You desire and believe, but you can’t imagine that it will really come true. Thoughts begin to slip into your head that do not allow the dream to fly up and materialise in reality.
Now I very rarely notice such thoughts. I try to dream like a soul. It became much easier to think, and things I dreamed about began to appear in my life.
I BELIEVE. I believe that this will all be and even is already here. I portray all my dreams in detail, and I feel them. I feel that they are already close. It remains only to open the door and they will break into my life.
And while dreams slowly incarnate, I enjoy the very process of their materialization. I do not stand still, I study, I prepare for them, I get better, to meet my dreams already prepared.
Do you believe in your dreams?
Are you ready to embody them in your life?
What are you dreaming about?
Kristina Stepanova
Stepanov Family Homestead
Emelyanovka FHS, Ukraine
First published in Russian on 4 April 2018
and 25 April 2018