Dolmen of Anastasia’s foremother (directions/map)

“My foremother deserves to be remembered. All my mothers knew her wisdom, and that wisdom helps me today. My foremother was the woman who knew perfectly how, when nursing a baby, to give it the ability to use the Intellect of the Universe. Back then, people in the civilization she lived in had stopped thinking it significant, just like today’s people. When nursing a baby you mustn’t get distracted by anything extraneous. You need to think only about the baby. She knew what to think about and how, and she wanted to pass her knowledge on to all people.” …

“Will you tell me where it is?”

“Fine, I’ll tell you, but you won’t be able to understand her. You’re not a nursing mother. You don’t know what a mother nursing her infant feels. Only women, nursing mothers, can understand her. Just go up to this dolmen and touch it. Think something good about my foremother. She will like that very much.” [2.25]

The Dolmen of Anastasia’s foremother is a popular spot for Russian and international travellers. Set on a ridgetop among several other dolmens, we highly recommend the place for quiet reflection in nature. The road is easy to walk, 1-2 hours each way, suitable for young and old. Directions should be easy once you’ve seen the way, but watch out for inaccurate signage. Remember normal hiking caution and take enough water for the day. We passed four people and saw another five or six at the top, including two campsites.

We’re aiming for the flag at right. First half is along a stream bed, which was dry except for a few ponds when we walked there in late September. River may flow in March. The only turn you need to find is a left heading up the hillside, marked with a small stone monument and an arrow. We were blessed to be accompanied by a 3-legged dog spirit guide, who ran ahead on the path all the way to the Dolmen. For your benefit, let’s write out a step by step…

Walk or catch a taxi to this guesthouse at the edge of Pshada. We stayed here, it was ok, bit disappointed but decent and great location by the forest.

Turn left at the guesthouse towards the woods. There was a field of Jerusalem artichoke in flower during our walk, late September.

Follow path towards woods

Take a sharp right turn up the dry stream bed. There might be a few ornamental rock piles here. The spot marked the beginning of our pilgrimage up the mountain. This is the stream you’ll be following until the single left turn (kinda straight .. you’ll see) up the hill.

Dry stream bed, plenty of overhangs to hide from Naz’gul. There are a few alternate paths adjacent to the stream beds, so maybe you don’t see all the photos. Just don’t go up the mountain yet… Stay low, along the creek line.

Sári called it the crocodile rock. There’s an adjacent path here up on the bank, maybe you’re walking up there and miss this log. No worries, keep low

It was late in the summer season when we walked, so the path was well trodden as easy to follow by observing flattened leaves.

Other walkers left some small Cairns along the path

Path goes up a little, adjacent to the stream bed. It rejoins up soon, never far from the creek line.

Here caution! Someone put a false sign pointing up the hill. Make sure to stay along the creek line. Follow the walking tracks (look for flattened leaves). Take the left fork here.

Path diverges a tiny bit from the creek, but pretty much the same path.

Same thing, just a path next to the creek. It joins back up in a little bit.

Here it is, the the turn up the mountain. It’s kinda straight ahead, but we move off the main creek line now, on the left side. Not the other stream on the left, the path up the hill. It felt like left turn off the main stream. Anyway, it’s clearly marked with a small stone monument and an arrow. You’ll see, very easy!

Path in a rut up the hillside. This is one of the steep parts.

Nice views to the mountains on the left

Follow the path, some wet patches.

More nice views on left

Magic stone egg good rest spot after climb.

Climb a bit more

Nearly there

First dolmen visible through the trees on the left. Turn right (away from the first Dolmen) towards the other dolmens, including Anastasia’s foremother’s.

First Dolmen. Facing it, like this photo, turn right towards the next ones.

There’s a walking path through the next five or so Dolmens, or follow the vehicle track adjacent on left side for an easier walk straight to Anastamama.

Ruined Dolmen?

Rocks or dolmen?

There she is, the Dolmen of Anastasia’s foremother, just like in the Ringing Cedars books. Enjoy!

Our happy mugs. Nice spot!