Tell us about Family Homesteads in the contest ‘The Image of the Future Country’ from “ONF Youth”

Anastasia Foundation
22 October 2017

Dear friends!

“ONF Youth” [Youth arm of the All-Russia People’s Front] launched a contest ‘The Image of the Future Country’- Any citizen of Russia under the age of 35 can take part.

Students of VGIK [Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography] filmed a video for it, where the Family Homestead is mentioned.

Take part in this contest! Send releases about Settlements of Family Homesteads, stories about life in your Family Homestead, about holidays in the settlement of Family Homesteads. You already have rich experience in submitting releases, in writing presentation materials, so there are ready-made texts.

You can supplement your releases with poems, photos, videos, make statements from your children of the settlement about the vision of the future in Family Homesteads.

Send a copy of your work to the Portal: We will publish it as a work for the competition.

Use positioning:
– family homestead,
– settlement consisting of family homesteads

Positioning such as eco-settlement, eco village, village, clan settlement, non-profit partnerships will lead the contest and yourself away from the Image of the Family Homestead Idea to other images, and will not give a harmonious picture of the promotion of the Family Homestead Idea.

The competitive work is submitted from an individual through the site here –
Students of universities and colleges, young specialists and scientists under the age of 35 are invited to participate in the competition.

Works are accepted until November 10.

Recommended scope for works:
Poems no more than 3 pages A4,
Stories no more than 4 pages A4,
Video duration no more than 3 minutes,
Photo report no more than 10 images.


Translated by Kemble Dawson Walker
Original article (in Russian):