By the Federal Coordinating Council of Родная партия
Good day, dear like-minded people!
The latest event organized by Родная партия has been completed. Or rather, it was a cascade of events. We are pleased to announce that the training of Родная партия members and supporters, the anniversary Circle of Settlements, and the Seventh Extraordinary Congress of Родная партия all took place!
Representatives from 63 Family Homestead Settlements, from more than 50 regions of Russia gathered in Yaroslavl region. The geographical span was impressive, Russians from Crimea to Primorye all came to the event! In total, the hospitable Yaroslavl-Park-Hotel where the events were held accommodated more than 220 people, present and future creators of Family Homesteads, organizers, members and supporters of Родная партия.
During the training for members and supporters of Родная партия, the speakers invited were the Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Yaroslavl Region, Oleg Yuryevich Zakharov, Oleg Ivanovich, a Moscow-based election trainer, and Taran Dmitry Vladimirovich, a public relations specialist. The training dealt with such issues as the preparing for regional elections, organising regional offices, and preparing for a planned audit by the federal Ministry of Justice. A bloc was created to present a unified information space by way of a YouTube channel, social media networks, and with the mass media. During the training, the first video clips were recorded, which will soon be released to the network.
During the Circle of Settlements, the direction was first set towards unifying the force and potential of Родная партия and Family Homestead Settlements. The desire for unity was the common thread in all speeches and thematic circles, and the discussions raised very important topics. One of the most urgent was the topic of succession of generations in Family Homestead Settlements. The party’s Orders included the proposal to develop and introduce a youth policy and conduct regular youth festivals with the support of Родная партия. The most quickly realised proposal was to create a legal structural unit of Родная партия on the basis of legal support centres at the Regional branches of the party.
Also, the representatives of the settlements on the Circle made decisions about trusting Родная партия to represent and defend the interests of Family Homestead creators. As a result, all subsequent decisions made at the Circle of Russian Settlements organized by Родная партия shall be perceived as an Order from Family Homestead creators.
The detailed text compiling Orders from the latest Circle, along with all proposals, will be set out by Родная партия in the near future, after the final drawing up of the results. This Order will also be sent out to all Settlements.
Changes and additions to the Charter were approved at the Seventh Extraordinary Congress of the Party. After registering these amendments, it will be much easier to create local branches in the regions, including by way of Family Homestead Settlements. In addition to the delegates, the congress was also attended by a member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, with the right to a decisive vote, Melnikov Andrei Alexandrovich.
Four days passed in dense, efficient work. People collected and voiced their experiences in arranging Family Homesteads and settlements, outlined ways of solving current problems for living and wanting to live in settlements of Family Homesteads, and worked out the strategic goals and objectives of the entire movement. The work was a basis for synchronising understanding of our entire movement’s strategic development, as a whole, and assembling the future image of our Homeland.
We thank everyone who took part in the organisation and operation of these events!
Federal Coordinating Council
Родная партия political party
The following were made as Orders of Родная партия, the political party of creators of Family Homesteads, who took part in the Circle of Settlements, Yaroslavl, 29 March – 1 April 2018:
- Decisions made at the Circle of Settlements of Russia (of Creators of Family Homesteads), organised by Родная партия, shall be taken as an order from the creators of Family Homesteads.
- The main task of the party is to create conditions for the adoption of the Presidential Decree on Family Homesteads – Указа Президента о Родовых поместьях.
- Collect and combine the draft Laws on Family Homesteads for use, after the adoption of the Decree on Family Homesteads.
- To entrust Родная партия to represent and protect the interests of creators of Family Homesteads, because Родная партия is an effective tool for promoting the idea of Family Homesteads and protecting the interests of their creators on the scale of whole Russia.
- Create centers of legal support in the regions, by way of regional branches of Родная партия.
- Contribute to reducing the tax burden on inhabitants of rural areas.
- Consider putting the phrase “Family Homesteads of Russia” on the icons and symbols of Родная партия.
- Create a single information source under the auspices of Родная партия, prepare proposals for the creation of our own media (in particular, radio), carry out appropriate monitoring for these purposes.
- In the zone of common interests, cooperate with all people who want to live in rural areas, rural settlements, eco-settlements and dacha organizations, without fail, preserving each one’s own identity.
- Родная партия to prepare and send a letter to Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre with the question of what help is needed from the creators of the Family Homesteads to create a union of entrepreneurs with more pure intentions.
- Define images of a president and deputies from Родная партия.
- Provide support to large families, young families, assistance in organizing family festivals under the auspices of Родная партия, and introduce the notion of a traditional family into the family code.
- To organise legal support for educational centers in Family Homestead Settlements, and to support family education; include an educational unit in the party program.
- Organise educational activities on the topic of Family Homesteads by way of public Родная партия events. Family Homesteads are a collective image (explanation: it is not self-centered, it must be opened correctly, not made more exclusive).
- Develop and include in the party program a project to make life comfortable in rural areas.
- To create the Youth Sector of Родная партия.
Extended text with proposals and the results of the Circle’s work during each of the round tables will be posted later, with photos.
First published 3 April 2018 –
and 5 April 2018 –