Ringing Cedars Australia • Anastasia • Family Homesteads

Alzhanov Kumar family homestead settlement eagle child
‘Family Homestead’ is a phrase backed by the most powerful images, capable of settling each person in a divine dwelling land. Judge for yourself. The first three letters of Родовое Поместье (Family Homestead) are “Род”. This means the people who come into life one after another, and the first of these came from the Creator.
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Tiny parts of all your ancestors live on within you. Both your body and your spirit come from them. Each person born anew is given the power to decide their own fate and the fate of their Family line. Family Homestead – two words. One word-combination. As soon as a person utters it, they give voice to an aspiration, even if they haven’t realised it yet, except subconsciously: ‘I gather together my entire Family line and settle it here.’

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Each person born today takes their place at the head of this great chain. It is within each person’s power to settle their “Род” in one dwelling land or another. In a stone cell? Or in the beautiful space of their Family Homestead. They can also break the family chain altogether. It is within each person’s power either to nourish their Family line with divine creation, or else with food that doesn’t bear the energy of the Soul.


A person who has established their Family Homestead can gather together within it the souls of people from their Family line, and they will be grateful to them for this great deed. Like guardian angels, they will protect and guard the Family Homestead and the person who created it. Nothing in the Universe disappears without a trace; it only passes from one state into another.

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A Family Homestead is a plot of land at least 1 hectare in size (2.5 acres, 10,000 m2), surrounded on all sides by a passable laneway of at least 3m. Family Homesteads are mixed use residential, forestry, and agriculture, and are bordered by hedgerows rather than fences. The homestead is free of charge, indivisible, and can only be passed on by inheritance (not bought or sold). There is no taxation on any products of the homestead.

A Family Homestead Settlement is a group of family homesteads centred around common infrastructure such as a school, shop, medical centre, village hall, market square, water source (dam, bore, river), grazing or cropping paddocks, electricity substation, or other assets. Settlements have roads to allow vehicle access to each homestead.

Homestead: • house • workshop • vegetable garden • orchard • ½ – ¾ forest • hedgerow boundaries

Settlement: • around 100-200 homesteads • shared infrastructure • road network • community council with all equal and no centre of power

Family Homesteads are the central concept of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series by Vladimir Megre (written 1995-2010). The Anastasia Foundation reports 390 Family Homestead Settlements in Russia, and 136 outside Russia. In Russia the concept has been studied at universities and is supported at state and federal levels. There is also a political party to advance family homestead development.


Outwardly, it seemed quite simple. Each family needs to be given a hectare of land for lifetime use, and build its own homestead on it, its own piece of their greater native homeland. But the details of this plan had taken a firm grip on my thoughts. They were extremely simple and at the same time incredible.

Astounding! A taiga hermit rather than soil experts proved that with the correct arrangement of plantings within a plot, in just a few years the land would not only need no fertiliser, but even that weak soils could be improved!

As her main example, Anastasia cited the taiga. The taiga has existed for millennia, everything grows in it, and no one fertilises the taiga earth. Anastasia says that everything that grows is the incarnate thought of the Creator, and they set everything up so that humans do not need to burden themselves with the problems of obtaining food. We merely has to try to understand the Creator’s thought and create what is beautiful along with them.

I can even give a clear personal example. On the island of Cyprus, where I have travelled, the soil is rocky, but it wasn’t always like that. Many centuries ago, beautiful cedar and fruit trees grew on the island, the purest fresh water flowed in many rivers, and the island resembled an earthly paradise.

But then Roman legions seized the island and began chopping down cedars to build their ships. They wiped out the cedar groves on the island. Now a large part of the island is covered with very stunted scrub and grass that burns up by spring. The summer rains have become rare, and there is not enough fresh water. Cypriots have to bring fertile soil to the island over the sea in barges. Humans have not made creation better, but through our barbarous interference, have made it worse.

WHO ARE WE? — Volume V – 1. Two Civilisations

When I began calculating its economic logic and was convinced that anyone with the help of the homestead he founded according to Anastasia’s plan could provide a comfortable existence for their children and grandchildren. It is not merely a matter of providing children with high-quality nourishment and housing. Anastasia said that the fence must be made out of living trees and woods should occupy one quarter of the hectare. Two thousand five hundred square meters of woods is approximately three hundred trees. In eighty or a hundred years, they could be chopped down. These trees would yield about four hundred cubic meters of edged board. At today’s price of at least one hundred dollars per cubic meter, the total yield of well-dried finished lumber would fetch forty thousand dollars. Of course, the entire woods should not be felled, one could take the necessary part of the mature trees and immediately replace them by planting new ones. The total value of a homestead set up according to Anastasia’s plan could be a million dollars or more, and any family of even average means could build it. For starters, the house can be modest. The main wealth would be the correctly and handsomely arranged plot of land. Wealthy people now already pay large sums of money to landscape design firms. There are about forty such businesses in Moscow, and they are not lacking work. The proper and handsome arrangement of the entire hundred square meters attached to a house costs, by their estimates, fifteen hundred dollars and up.

Planting a single coniferous tree six meters high costs five hundred dollars, and those who want to live in a place handsomely arranged pay those large sums. They pay because it did not occur to their parents to set up a homestead for their children. After all, this does not require being rich, all it requires is setting one’s priorities correctly. How can we raise our children if we ourselves do not understand such simple things? Anastasia is right when she says that one has to begin with raising oneself.

WHO ARE WE? — Volume V – 1. Two Civilisations

At the beginning of the new millennium, at the initiative of the Russian president, a decree was approved on the free allocation of one hectare of land to each Russian family that wanted to start their own homestead. This decree spoke about how the land was being allocated for life use, with the right to hand it down by inheritance. The food produced on a homestead was not subjected to any taxes.

Legislators supported the president’s initiative, and the appropriate amendment was made to the country’s Constitution. The decree’s main goal, so the president and legislators believed, was to reduce unemployment in the country, ensure a minimum subsistence for poor families, and solve the refugee problems. But no one could have fully guessed what happened as a consequence.

When the first portion of land was allocated for organizing a settlement of more than two hundred families, not only poor people left without work and resettlers who had fallen upon misfortune took plots for setting up a homestead. Primarily they were snatched up by families of average wealth and wealthy entrepreneurs from among your readers, Vladimir. They had been preparing for this event. They had not simply been waiting, either. Many of them had already started seeds of plants and native trees planted in clay pots in their apartments, and the future mighty cedars and oaks had sent up their still small shoots.

It was at the initiative of entrepreneurs and using their means that a project was created for a settlement with the infrastructure inherent to such an existence, as you wrote in your book “Co-Creation.” The plan provided for a store, first aid station, school, club, roads, and much else. Of the total number of people who expressed the desire to arrange their daily life in the first new settlements, entrepreneurs comprised about a half. . . .

WHO ARE WE? — Volume V – 7. Anastasia’s Russia

Each of them had their own business and source of income. What they needed to carry out the construction and to set up the gardens was manpower. Bringing in their poorer neighbors as workers for the construction and the setting up turned out to be ideal. In this way, some of the families immediately got a job and, consequently, a source for financing their own construction. The entrepreneurs understood that no one would do the job with more effort or higher quality than those who themselves were going to live in the settlement, and so they only invited specialists if none were found among the future residents of the new settlement under construction.

Each person strove to bring about independently only the layout of their future orchard and woods, the planting of native trees and a living garden.

The majority did not have enough experience and knowledge about how best to set up their plot and so elderly people who had retained this knowledge enjoyed special respect among the future inhabitants. Special attention was paid to landscaping rather than perishable structures and homes alone. The actual building where people intended to live was just a small part of the Creator’s large, living home.

Five years later, homes had been built for the permanent residents on all the plots. They varied in size and architecture, but soon people saw that the size of a house was by no means its main feature. The main thing lay elsewhere, and it came to be drawn in the beautiful outlines of the landscape of each individual plot and of the entire settlement as a whole.

WHO ARE WE? — Volume V – 7. Anastasia’s Russia

At the beginning of the new millennium, the first sign of the Earth’s beautiful, happy future was any living shoot in each homestead. People who had laid the permanent foundations of the first homesteads still did not completely sense the significance of what they had done. They had simply started to look on the world around them more joyfully. They still did not realise what great joy they had brought through their actions to the divine Creator. The Creator shed tears of joy and tenderness on the earth among drops of falling rain. They smiled with the Sun and with the branches of the young trees stealthily tried to stroke those who had suddenly become aware of eternity, the Creator’s children who had returned to them.

The inspiration to create something beautiful gripped millions of Russian families. They began building settlements similar to the first settlement in different regions of Russia. A widespread movement began similar to that of today’s dacha residents.

Twenty years after the first decree was issued giving people the opportunity to build their own life independently and make it a happy one, more than thirty million families were engaged in creating their own homesteads, their own piece of homeland. They cultivated their beautiful plots using the eternal material created by the Creator. In this way they created together with them.

Each transformed their own hectare, received for lifelong use, into a corner of heaven. On the vast expanses of Russia, one hectare was a very small piece, but there were many such pieces which made up the greater native homeland. Through these pieces, created by good hands, greater Russia flourished like a heavenly garden. Their Russia!

On each hectare of land, coniferous and deciduous trees were planted. People had realised how they would fertilise the land and that the local grasses would balance the soil composition. It never occurred to anyone to use chemical fertilisers or toxic pesticides.

The air and water in Russia changed. They became healthful. The food problem was completely solved. Each family easily and without special effort not only provided itself with food from what grew on their homestead, but they could sell the surplus.

Each Russian family having its own homestead became free and rich.

WHO ARE WE? — Volume V – 7. Anastasia’s Russia
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where to get the books?

Buy eBooks direct from the author

Authorised edition, with photocollage covers (see below), is out of print in paper version. Only available as eBook via MegreLLC webstore.

This is due to black and painting book editions publishers trademarking the name “Ringing Cedars” in USA then writing cease and desist letters to the author’s distributors! (This was a company called Ingram, through which we bought the books at wholesale prices. A Megre employee told me these details by email in 2017.

Why, oh why, are these people — who claim to support the movement!? — (who shall neither be named nor linked), why are these people making legal threats against the books’ author!?

Why did the author write this? :

Now, I probably won’t be able to build the greenhouse around the perimeter of the homestead next year. I don’t have the money to do everything all at once. We’re hardly getting any royalties at all from America.

Basically, I don’t get what’s going on over there – they’re making some kind of changes to the books without my permission. The domain name “Ringing Cedars” in English belongs to somebody. And can you imagine – they even have the domain name “Vladimir Megre” there, and a site with that name, and it’s being passed off as my official site. But I have no connection to it whatsoever. Polina’s tried to register the trademark in my name, and they asked her to pay six thousand dollars.

I wouldn’t really care, but I feel bad for the readers. What are they being told on these sites? What products are being sold using those trademarks and logo? How can I sort it out? Where can I find the time to sort things out?

But I decided that in my new book I’ll give the name of a website where people can communicate directly with Polina. And to ask Polina to publish the new book in English, too. But so far I don’t know how to get it published in the English- speaking countries.

ANASTA — Volume X – Ch 34. A Letter to my Son

Why does the author now write this at the end of every book? :


Several Internet websites now share ideas that are very similar to those of the main character, Anastasia, in the “Ringing Cedars of Russia” series.

Many of these websites purport to be official and use the name “Vladimir Megre”. They even answer letters in my name. In this regard, I feel it is my duty to inform you, dear readers, of my decision to create an official international website, www.vmegre.com/en/

This will be the only official source for correspondence in all languages from my readers all over the world.

By registering at and subscribing to this website you will be eligible to receive information on the dates and locations of upcoming reader conferences, as well as other information.

Our unified website will keep you, dear readers, informed about the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement throughout the world.

Yours truly,

Vladimir Megre

from the eBook download of ‘Tales from the Future’, from Anastasia.ru

Family Homestead or Kin Domain?

Family Homestead is the translation chosen by Marian Schwartz, a renowned elder of Russian to English translation, in the authorised edition (Russian photocollage covers, see below). Let’s try to clarify everything here by performing a public translation of the phrase.

родовое поместье

First let’s look up the first word. The root of родовое is род. The suffix just tells us that it’s related to, or of the nature of, род.

родя́сь, participle gerund present of роди́ться
· be born, come into being, arise, thrive
роди́вшись, participle gerund past of роди́ться
· be born, come into being, arise, thrive
родя́, participle gerund present of роди́ть
· give birth, give rise, bear
роди́в, participle gerund past of роди́ть
· give birth, give rise, bear
· generation, birth, origin, stock, family, race, kin
· (taxonomy) genus
· sort, kind, genre, style, branch
· (grammar) gender, class
native, home, dear, darling, relatives, relations, kinsfolk, kin
be born, come into being, arise, thrive
native land, home, homeland, fatherland, birthplace
relation, relative, kinsman, kinswoman, kindred, kinsfolk
give birth, give rise, bear
relatives, relations, kinsfolk, kin, relative, relation
ancestral, patrimonial, tribal, generic, gender
kindred, related, congener, congeneric, allied, familiar, intimate

Open Russian

родъ (rod) – Pre-reform orthography (1918)
from Old East Slavic родъ (rodŭ), from Proto-Slavic *rodъ, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *radás.

Homophone:рот (rot)
Rhymes: -ot

род • (rod) m inan (genitive ро́да, nominative plural роды́, genitive plural родо́в, related adjective родово́й)
· generation, birth, origin, stock, family, race, tribe, lineage
о́т роду ― ót ”’rodu”’ ― of age

→ Kildin Sami: ро̄дт (rōdt)

род • (rod) m inan (genitive ро́да, nominative plural рода́, genitive plural родо́в)
· (taxonomy) genus
· sort, kind, genre, style, branch

род • (rod) m inan (genitive ро́да, nominative plural ро́ды, genitive plural родо́в, related adjective родово́й)
· (grammar) gender, classмужско́й род ― mužskój rod ― masculine gender
же́нский род ― žénskij rod ― feminine gender
сре́дний род ― srédnij rod ― neuter gender
о́бщий род ― óbščij rod ― common gender

Related terms
вы́родок (výrodok)monster, degenerate, black sheep, ‘exited from род
заро́дыш (zaródyš)embryo, foetus, (botany) germ ‘begin, advance род
поро́да (poróda)(science) breed, kind, species, sort, type
приро́да (priróda)nature ‘with род
роддо́м (roddóm)maternity home
ро́дина (ródina)homeland, motherland, native land
роди́тель (rodítelʹ)parent
роди́тельный (rodítelʹnyj)(linguistics) the genetive case
родни́к (rodník)spring, source, origin
родно́й (rodnój)native, dear
роднове́рие (rodnovérije)a particular group of Slavic neopagans ‘род-believers’
родови́тый (rodovítyj)well born
ро́дом (ródom)by birth, by origin
родство́ (rodstvó)relationship, kinship, affinity (family relationship through marriage of a relative), kin, consanguinity, cognation, connection, connexion, alliance, blood, propinquity, cousinage
ро́дственник (ródstvennik)relative, relation, kinsman (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption)
рожа́ть (rožátʹ)to give birth, to bear, роди́ть (rodítʹ)to give birth to give rise to, to bear, to yield (of land)
сла́ва ро́ду (sláva ródu)(paganism) “glory to the Slavic race”, a greeting used by Slavic neopagans and nationalists.
сродни́ (srodní)akin (of the same kin; related by blood)
уро́д (uród)monster, ugly creature ‘not род


Translations of РОД

Reverse translationsFrequencyhelp_outline
род, вид, класс, сорт
genusрод, вид, класс, сорт
raceраса, гонки, гонка, род, народ, бег
kindвид, тип, разновидность, род, сорт, класс
familyсемья, семейство, род, содружество
generationпоколение, генерация, образование, генерирование, род, порождение
typeтип, модель, разновидность, род, типаж, шрифт
sortвид, сорт, род, разновидность, образ, разряд
genderпол, род
clanклан, род, клика
speciesвид, разновидность, порода, род, класс
kinрод, родственники, родня, семья, родство, свойство
natureприрода, характер, сущность, натура, естество, род
bloodlineродословная, род
stemстебель, стержень, ствол, основа, ножка, род
kindredрод, родственники, кровное родство, клан, сходство характеров
orderзаказ, порядок, орден, приказ, распоряжение, род
classкласс, сорт, тип, категория, занятие, род
houseдом, жилище, театр, здание, палата, род
nameимя, название, наименование, фамилия, обозначение, род
mannerспособ, манера, метод, стиль, образ действий, род
bloodкровь, кровопролитие, происхождение, родство, род, убийство
strainштамм, напряжение, деформация, нагрузка, сорт, род
styleстиль, тип, манера, фасон, слог, род
stockакции, запас, шток, инвентарь, фонд, род
descriptionописание, изображение, вид, род, сорт, вычерчивание
stampмарка, штамп, печать, отпечаток, клеймо, род
kidneyпочка, склад характера, тип, темперамент, характер, род
seriesряд, серия, цикл, группа, цепь, род
Google Translate

You can see our target word родовое there, as the related adjective of род. So what does род mean?The entire extended meaning of the word род has evolved over millennia of use among Russian and earlier Slavic, Baltic, Vedic people. So let’s analyse it by listing our observations.

  1. This is a big word. It appears often. It is the root of many words.
  2. No single English word can describe all of this.

Despite the challenge, let’s make an attempt.

род means the birthing, the family, the relations, the lineage. The parentage, the procreation, the chain of life from generation to generation. род is kin, род is clan, род is family, род is tribe. род is the native, the familiar, the homeland. род is the race, the kind, the kindred.

I did an experiment asking Russian Ringing Cedars readers to define род. They came up with various answers.

“Great Family”, just my suggestion

Kumar Alzhanov, Master painter of Ringing Cedars-inspired imagery

Rod for me is associated with a big tree. With powerful roots, thick crown and branches, stretching to an infinite height. The roots are our ancestors; we are the crown; thick twigs, small twigs, sprouts are our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.

Ekaterina Poltoratskaya

Rod – these are people who take turns coming to life! A person is “po-rod-istvi”, who comes to life according to their Rod.

Vasily Filippov

If we are obliged to choose a single word to translate род, what would you say? Marian Schwartz chose the word “family”. And I agree. “Family” is also a big word, used regularly, including as the root of phrases like “family tree”, “family line”, “family land”. While род undoubtedly conveys a bigger, broader meaning than “family”, “family” is the closest match out of the available English words. “Kin” or “clan” would be in next position, also describing the similar concept from the Nordic or Brythonnic etymology instead of Latin. One limitation of “family”: Latin gave the connotation of a family of indentured workers, a broader household around a homestead. But in the modern usage for so many centuries, it’s no longer understood as a pejorative.

“Kin” is a much rarer word and is a slightly different part of speech. It is a collective, instead of countable, noun. We don’t say ‘the wedding crowd cheered as the two kins were joined’. But we could say, ‘families’, ‘family lines’, or роды.

Buy eBooks direct from the author

1. Anastasia

Written in 1995 by Novosibirsk businessman Vladimir Megre, the story traces his voyage as captain of a trading vessel on the Siberian river Ob. During a stop at a remote village, Megre meets an unusually beautiful and civilised young woman who promises to show him a rare and valuable tree—the Ringing Cedar. But Anastasia teaches Vladimir about much more than that. She gives practical advice and humbling lessons about love, relationships, raising children, gardening, animals, and transitioning to a stable, prosperous global civilisation.

First published with an advance from a print shop and sold by the author himself in a Moscow subway station, the book has now been translated into 20 languages and sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. Anastasia’s ideas have been enthusiastically taken up among everyday Russians, including politicians, professionals and university professors.

“Anastasia” is a guide to retrieving our soul’s purpose, and the book setting the path to a beautiful future. A prosperous, happy and love-filled civilisation is now closer than ever before!

2. Ringing Cedars of Russia

Vladimir returns to Novosibirsk and goes to the gritty streets of Moscow, struggling to understand and communicate his experience with Anastasia in the forest. Pulling his life back from the brink of collapse, Megre gets help at just the right time, ensuring that Anastasia’s message is accurately recorded.

Recounting more of his three days with Anastasia, Megre suggests an all-Earth holiday on 23 July, Dachnik Day, which is now celebrated in parts of Russia. He recalls the Christian invasion of Celtic Europe, and reveals the ancient method of preparing medicinal cedar oil.

Anastasia’s grandfather explains how Anastasia healed Vladimir with cedar oil, during his earlier illness. Grandfather explains the appearance of a ball of light energy next to Anastasia when she was a young girl—the ball of energy she calls “Good”. He cites a poet whose songs seem to confirm what others had suspected: the energy is an appearance of the intellect of nature, or the Creator.

3. The Space of Love

The book ends with an appeal to Russians to respect and honour their own local sacred sites rather than travelling to see foreign ones, an idea which could apply equally in every country of the world.

Vladimir returns to Anastasia’s taiga glade for a second time, and meets his son. Anastasia proves the effectiveness of her child raising system—no system at all. The forest home demonstrates exactly how carefully arranged elements of nature can cradle a baby human and provide for their every need. Even a bear as a nanny! She explains how a mother can pass information and good feelings when breast-feeding, and the power of human thought to shape a beautiful reality.

Vladimir travels to the Caucasian dolmens near the Black Sea in southern Russia, reigniting an interest in these ancient monuments among local people and tourists alike. He visits a nature-based forest school in the town of Tekos and talks with the children about Anastasia, the forces of light, and the good energy of stars. A film about the school at Tekos is available to watch online.

4. Co-Creation

Anastasia portrays the creation of the Universe, the Earth and all of nature. The beautiful images of love, the Creator and the pristine cosmos offer a divine vision without any religion, where every person has direct access to the rhythm of the universe and its energy of life. This is the book to reawaken the infinite, eternal energy of creative dreams.

Recounting a story from ancient Egypt, Anastasia describes how her forefathers observed the degeneration of the human population and inserted imagery to ensure the completion of a harmonic planetary society in the present day. She dismisses the threat of alien invasion.

Anastasia reasserts human sovereignty over the Earth through the fundamental family unit, a natural home made of living creations: the Family Homestead. Together, she and Vladimir create a home in their thoughts, complete with a living fence, forest, gardens, comfortable shelter and a large variety of useful plants and animals, thereby initiating a way of life that is at once very ancient and entirely modern, accessible to every person on the planet.

The Family Homestead preserves love between parents and children, connects us to the Earth and nature, and guarantees the flourishing of a new civilisation, a planetary dimension of love that radiates good light throughout the universe. There are currently 526 settlements of Family Homesteads registered with the non-profit “Anastasia” fund for culture and creative support.

5. Who Are We?

Anastasia portrays stunning imagery of future Russia as the wealthiest and most powerful nation state, an example to others. Hundreds of millions of tourists flock to Moscow to witness the clean air, pristine river water, and experience the spirit of great creation in the Russian homelands.

Megre highlights critical shortcomings in the eco-village movement and confirms Anastasia’s predictions about the eternal nature of Family Homesteads with real examples in modern Russia.

Anastasia explains how military force will be neutralised by the children of Russia’s new settlements, and offers glimpses of the burgeoning new civilisation. So beautiful and enlightened are these new Russian communities that foreigners are kept at a safe distance lest they fall into depression at the realisation of their wasted technocratic lives.

Megre discusses proposals for making Anastasia’s vision a reality and outlines the process already undertaken by numerous groups in Russia for establishing Family Homestead Settlements.

6. The Family Book

Megre makes his third trip to the Siberian taiga and talks with his growing son. The young boy tells his father that the ninth book of the series shall be an eternal, living book—the paradise homesteads created by the people whose souls have touched the divine. He explains his unique perspective on love, and helps expand the growing love between his parents. His purpose in life? To find his Universe Girl and make her happy. According to Volodya, every girl has the Universe inside of her.

Anastasia tells the story of humanity, billions of years of human civilisation on Earth. Through stories of our Vedic ancestors, she illustrates the blissful life of the golden ages and describes the rituals of nature that ensure the eternal presence of love in our communities. The Vedian school, made up of natural, living creations and interactions, prepares a young couple for the ultimate test: to create the perfect homestead for their family.

Anastasia explains why dark forces attack the Ringing Cedars books, and reveals the tactics of the high priests of the planet Earth, including her late great-grandfather, which have kept humanity inside a field of artificial information, separate from nature. She asserts that people who create Family Homesteads will correct the situation, letting a beautiful new society of nature prevail.

7. The Energy of Life

With the aid of Anastasia’s ideas, Megre illustrates the power of human thought to shape our collective destiny and offers practical techniques from Anastasia’s grandfather for optimising our mental capacity. The priests of the Earth realise that nothing can stop Anastasia’s visions from becoming a reality as she reveals the secret of divine nourishment to the general public.

Anastasia tells the censored history of the Christian invasion of Russia, presenting unique information about our forebears’ pagan civilisation that is not widely available elsewhere. She portrays the vivid celebrations of the Vedic-age Rus and explains how they were conquered by the priests’ dark ideas, tracing the modern age to the origins of Judaism and Christianity, and proposing a peaceful way to neutralise harmful programs and return prosperity to the Earth.

Megre shows how Family Homesteads can repair life for orphans and convicts, and instil new consciousness in the population. The new path of development provides our leaders with a place to make informed, rational decisions for the benefit of society.

8 part 1. The New Civilization

Vladimir visits Anastasia for a fourth time, and outlines yet more practical measures for living closer to the nature that surrounds us, to improve our health, have more joy and more love. Their young son asks his father for a baby sister to take care of his animals once he becomes an adult, and executes a three-day healing regime to bring his father to optimal health before the birth. He demonstrates the power of natural herbs, exercise and living water.

Anastasia relates the origins of democracy and money as means of enslavement through the illusion of freedom, and creates the conditions for the transformation of the United States. In the future, a New York billionaire is touched by the energy of love, and devotes his resources to found a great precinct of Family Homestead settlements in Texas.

Vladimir writes a letter to the president of Russia, prints a letter from a German reader, and drafts a piece of legislation requiring each parliamentarian to live among the people in Family Homestead settlements. The law also provides land to young couples to make their own Family Homesteads, an idea which has since become a reality. A federal Russian law now guarantees a free plot of land for any Russian citizen or naturalised foreigner, starting with vacant land in the Far East regions.

8 part 2. Rites of Love

Vladimir portrays the sad lack of love in modern relationships compared with our Vedic-age forebears. Together with Anastasia and her grandfather, he investigates the nature of love and how to ensure its eternal presence in our families.

Evidence from Russia’s archaeological sites emerges to support Anastasia’s version of history, suggesting that primitive cave men were survivors of global catastrophes, and that the historical norm over the millennia is in fact the recurrent blossoming of human population, civilisations striving for permanent harmony with nature—a goal we are destined this time to complete.

Anastasia recounts the story of a young girl in ancient Russia who falls in love with a boy. Treated as a revered guest in the family, the great energy of love propels the girl to astronomical beauty and virtue, reinforcing the natural law that true love can’t help but find its response.

Through the history of one family, Anastasia outlines the ancient Rites of Love—courtship, marriage and raising of children, as well as the three planes of conception which should all take place on the Family Homestead, the alignment of thought, the material creation, and the birth into a dimension of love, as well as the rituals for successfully forming a family after having had other partners. In the future, the ancient lovers are reincarnated on Earth, to meet amid the beauty and enthusiasm of a Russian courtship gathering.

10. Anasta

Vladimir visits Anastasia for a fifth time, meeting his baby daughter in the resplendent beauty of her perfect natural environment. Anastasia recounts the story of the little girl’s previous life, in a Russian nation at the beginning of the last ice age. As the people flee the encroaching ice, the little girl turns from her family, preferring to die with her homeland than abandon it.

Anastasia is able to sense the visions of Good and Bad that appear to the youngster in the last days before she falls into her final sleep, revealing how both energies work for the ultimate perfection of our habitat, and how we might most beneficially relate to them. Then, Anastasia reveals the purpose of life: to Perfect the Dwelling Land.

Megre portrays the lunacy of modern life and writes a Family Homestead declaration inscribing his intentions to perfect a small piece of our great Earth, encouraging us to do the same. Anastasia disposes of the 2012 doomsday prophecies by announcing that she has cancelled the predicted hell, and also encourages us to follow suit.

Young Volodya helps his father solve the problem of soggy clay soil at his homestead, and in doing so invents an original technique to teleport a complete piece of the environment to a new planet, thereby ensuring the eternal blossoming of earthly creation, spreading in love through the cosmos to infinity.

The following message appears at the end of the authorised edition of the books:


Several Internet websites now share ideas that are very similar to those of the main character, Anastasia, in the “Ringing Cedars of Russia” series.

Many of these websites purport to be official and use the name “Vladimir Megre”. They even answer letters in my name. In this regard, I feel it is my duty to inform you, dear readers, of my decision to create an official international website, www.vmegre.com/en/

By registering at and subscribing to this website you will be eligible to receive information on the dates and locations of upcoming reader conferences, as well as other information.

Our unified website will keep you, dear readers, informed about the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement throughout the world.

Yours truly,

Vladimir Megre

Have you read the right books?

A distorted translation of родовое поместье (family homestead, ancestral estate) was circulated in the 2000s in an attempt to confuse readers and defame the Ringing Cedars movement: “kin domain”. Read more

The inaccurate translation has deprived English-language readers of a full connection with the books’ information. Read more

This website aims to develop an integral network between English-language readers and worldwide Ringing Cedars and family homestead movements based in Russia.

Родовое Поместье
Family Homestead

Звенящие кедры России
Ringing Cedars of Russia


На Земле быть добру!
On the Earth will be Good!

  • New art by Anna Heidebrecht inspired by the Ringing Cedars books

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  • New website address

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  • Family homestead villages

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Family Party

Family Party
Родная Партия

The goal or objective of the ‘Family Party’ is to create the conditions for bringing the energy of Love back into families.

The Party will address the question of how each person can seek out their soul mate.

The Party will return to the people a way of life and rites that are capable of preserving love within families for all eternity.

To participate in the creation of the Australian Family Party, please contact us.

Operation of the Family Party

The entity resembles the Novgorod veche in its early period.

We vote for every person – not one person– to be able to control their life.

We put all the contraptions we have today to use for good. All those communications links and computers.

We ourselves will have to become the registrars.

The main thing is not to allow the creation of a so-called power center.

If, according to our law, some central apparatus really is essential, then everyone who works in it is nothing but a hired worker. And they do not have any access to money. In general, we do not concentrate the money in one spot.

Each person can lead their own Family Party, so no one will use authority or position to put pressure on the party rank and file. And at the conventions, everyone is equal.

“From this day forward I also constitute my own family party.”
Why go on and on about it?
It’s time for each of us to take action.

Volume 10 “Anasta”, Chapter 27 “The Family Party”

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Ringing Cedars – Australia is a network of readers and supporters of the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series by Vladimir Megre.

We aim to operate by veche principles and must perfect the environment. That means that all voices are heard equally, there is no centre of power, and our effects must be environmentally-positive.

Our network operates a website ringingcedars.au, Facebook group fb.com/groups/ringingcedarsaustralia, and Facebook page fb.com/ringingcedarsaustralia

We also welcome participation in the Family Party, which is a political party which aims to provide the conditions so that people can preserve love in their families and help everyone find their perfect partner or soul mate. The central policy of the party is that any person should be able to receive a 1ha of land in a properly laid out village, so that we can live sustainably and have environmentally-positive effects on the landscape.

This would also provide stable self-employment from small farm produce, relief from housing crisis, mortgage-free opportunity for families to take up some land and look after it. Overall, society would benefit from increased productivity — a homestead produces more value per hectare than the current land use.

This movements represents the shift towards ecological thinking, recognising the deep problems with how humans are currently living within the natural world. In short, we are destroying it. And all for an unfair, unequal, unhealthy society as a result. We can do a lot better than this.

The answer sits within all of our family lines. In the past, humans mostly lived in a far more prosperous and harmonious way. There was no disease, hunger or crime. People did not worry about housing and feeding their family, because their livelihoods had already been established by their forebears. A well-tended natural environment, properly designed for comfortable human living, maintains itself eternally, using the natural elements: water, sun, soil, seeds, mushrooms, animals, and all the biological world.

Human thought has the ability to shape, change and arrange these natural elements in various ways. Either in a way that degrades the quality of the world, or in a way that enhances it.

For all our technological development, humanity has in fact, overall, been declining in many metrics of quality of life. Put simply, the environment was much, much, much cleaner just 200 years ago. And even more so 2000 years ago.

Our great challenge today is to master the balance between two seemingly opposite things:

  1. the harmonious, naturally-intelligent way of life of our ancestors,
  2. the enormous human energy of 8 billion people.

This is a mighty task, but the stakes are very high. In such a high-potential-energy earth ecosystem, our decisions as a society will affect the fates of millions and billions of people.

The Ringing Cedars of Russia books introduce a clear and novel concept: most people should simply go back to the land, taking up 1 hectare of Earth, surrounded by a hedge, and with a laneway between neighbours. This size of land can be managed without machinery, providing vegetables, fruit, herbs, timber and with enough space to keep some small animals and compost all the waste.

Whatever people think about the more outrageous claims in the books (extraterrestrials? nothing special, apparently), the core message is becoming more powerful with every disaster that befalls us. It’s time to end the destruction program. We’ve cancelled the predicted hell on Earth.

It’s time for each to build their family home. A secure, fertile, well-prepared mini farm with everything we need to live decently. This is not a drill! It really is important for people of all walks of life to return to a small, local, natural way of living.

For decades, the idea of moving back to the land has been mocked and lampooned in popular media. Still today, zounds of critics think that we can’t feed the world from small farms, or that the zombies are going to invade us, or that everyone is doomed and there’s no point.

None of these are true. Small farms have higher productivity, producing more value per hectare than the main alternative land use: beef cattle grazing. The zombies are not going to attack us, in fact healthy, self-sufficient rural communities on wooded land is one of the strongest military positions to hold. Everyone is not doomed, but those who choose it will be. Humans can and will 100% certainly withstand the current climate shift. More can survive if we plan and prepare now.

We have no current business or other partnership with the author Vladimir Megre (vmegre.com) or the author’s family business (megrellc.com), except occasionally as a retail customer.

To provide commentary or get involved, please contact us.


Ringing Cedars – Australia readers group

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    Vedruss Festival


    June solstice and mid-September most years

    Celebration and soul mate gatherings at one of the largest and oldest Family Homestead Settlements based on the Ringing Cedars books.


    Last week of September each year

    Traditional autumn festival at Dolmens of Zhane, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation.

    Have you read the right books?

    A distorted translation of родовое поместье (family homestead, ancestral estate) was circulated in the 2000s in an attempt by dark forces to defame the Ringing Cedars movement: “kin domain”. Through this sham, English-language readers have been deprived of a full connection with the author or the source of the information. This website aims to restore the connection between the English readers and Russian Ringing Cedars and family homestead movements

    Read more about the authorised editions

    Read more about translating родовое поместье

    Authorised editions of the Ringing Cedars of Russia are listed at the author’s website

    eBooks are for sale directly from Megre’s Ringing Cedars Company