Kristina Timakova. A little philosophy about the birth of children

By Kristina TIMAKOVA

In this article I want to talk about my thoughts about the birth of children in the homestead.

I will begin with the fact that I have been living with Sasha for 6 years in our homestead, we are building it with love and inspiration, and we fill our space with love. In this time it was possible to give birth to three children, well, at least two. But our first-born appeared only after 6 years.

Like many, after reading the green books, I also wanted to create a space of love for my children. I was very excited by this dream! And I am grateful to my beloved husband for the fact that our dreams have merged into one beautiful dream!

When we had land in Yemelyanovka, it was just land. Earth that was waiting for people. And it took some time to create on this Earth all that we have been dreaming about. I wanted to plant a hedge to outline our space. Make the main plantings while thinking and dreaming about the baby. Plant a Family Tree.

Time passed, and we continued to prepare for the child. Many of our friends and neighbors became parents during that time. And we began to wonder, why are we getting carried away with all this preparation?

But then it was just a feeling that we and our space are ready for the birth of the baby.

And that’s what I want to convey. When a woman is pregnant, the baby has it very good in the tummy. Mama loves the baby, it’s warm and cozy there. And I really wanted that when our child was born, that it wasn’t less good than than in this space. So that everything around him was already dear and familiar, and caressed and loved him just as much. I really wanted to give the child a Space of Love!

Of course, you want to plant many more things, do many many things around the homestead. But now we will do all this already as the three of us.

Now we have a very active period, with many cases and projects. And all this with a baby in arms. The biggest project is building a house. It takes a lot of time and effort. And many people tell me that somehow everything is in a heap, and that they did not have time to do everything before the birth of the child. But I’m very calm in the Soul, because, according to my feelings, the most important thing, we have already prepared the most important things. Our daughter has a living space!

I hope that my thoughts will be clear, as I wrote about something very important and personal.

I wish all our beautiful planet will become a blooming paradise garden again! And let there be a Space of Love on Earth!

Photos from six years ago, just when we first consciously dreamed of a child.

Kristina Timakova

We, Alexander and Kristina Stepanov, began to equip our Family Homestead in June 2011. And we lived there permanently from the beginning of 2012. Our Family Homestead is located in Emelyanovka Settlement consisting of Family Homesteads, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine.

First published in Russian, 11 October 2017
and 20 October 2017

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