Friends, relatives and like-minded people, all readers of Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre’s books “Ringing Cedars of Russia”, congratulations to all of us and thank you for your support!
Today, at a working commission in the Volzhsky Election Commission of the city of Saratov, a sample check of 20% of the signatures submitted by voters was held (2619 signatures were presented in support of the candidate for the FAMILY PARTY, above the required minimum of 2513 signatures). 503 signatures were verified by a commission of 7 people, visually and according to the program DAMES, out of which 2 signatures were rejected.
As a result, we passed registration for the elections to the Saratov Regional Duma! Hooray! We did it thanks to the well-coordinated work of many of you!
Special thanks to Svetlana Shiryaeva, Vasily Kokorin and the entire pre-election Saratov staff!